Saturday, July 12, 2014

Walton Primo G1 CruzerMOD Custom Rom


1. Android OS 4.2.1

2. Smooth UI.

3. Smart Getsures.

4. Floating apps

5. 3G SWAP support. Means you can use 3G on both of your sims.

6. Good battery life.

7. Better ram management.

8. Almost bug free.

How to flash:-

1. Download all the 4 rar files and put them into same folder

2. Extract one of them using winrar(pc), 7zip (pc) or Zarchiver (android), 7Zipper (android)

3. You will get 1 zip file

4. Now boot into recovery

5. Wipe dalvik cache, cache, data, system

6. Install the zip you got

7. Wipe dalvik cache and Cache

8. Reboot

Download Links:-

Part 1: [here]

Part 2: [here]

Part 3: [here]

Part 4: [here]


1. Focus of the Camera is not work. But it has many features. If you crying need of it (focus) please install this camera app ( here )


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